Studies show that regular sex (with caution, taking into account all measures) proposes a series of surprisingly positive impact on health.
Sex is good for adults. Nachgebend at regular intervals, at least once a week, is even better. Research Links Sex (with all safer-sex precautions and preventive measures), for an astonishing range of physiological benefits of pain to longevity. Many studies is not whether the address health bonus comes from the law itself or from the emotional intimacy, but the net effect is that some of the very physical side effects, especially for women . Here are six ways that sex helps your health:
1 It competes Colds and Flu. Sexual once or twice a week increases the level of physical immune system antibody immunoglobin A one-third increase in search of Wilkes University in Pennsylvania.
2nd There is a beauty treatment. In a study at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, by a jury, participants in a One-Way Mirror and guess their age. Those who are seven to 12 years younger than his age (with "superyoung") were also a lot of sexual pleasure four times a week on average. OK, maybe they had more fun too because it is young. But it is very likely that sex was helping, say the researchers. One of the reasons is a woman posed in terms of estrogen, which helps the skin and hair shiny flexible.
3rd It burns calories. A little more than four calories per minute, or the equivalent of four Hershey's kisses, and half an hour of love. Look at it as part of your plan weekly, and burn, Baby, Burn.
4th Yes, Honey, I Have a Headache. For a woman, a migraine can, in fact, one of the reasons why love and sex is not regarded as traffic to avoid an increase in endorphins and corticosteroids during arousal and orgasm is analgesic.
It promotes the 5th regular menstrual cycles. A number of studies of Behavioral endocrinologists Winnifred Cutler and colleagues from Columbia and Stanford University found that women who have sex at least once a week (except during their period), the regular cycle more of sober or sporadically active. (Other studies have shown that even lesbians Sex equalizes the menstrual cycle). Cutler argues that privacy is of utmost importance, not orgasms: "Regular exposure vis-à-vis an extraordinary love partner has an impact on the health and well-being."
6 It is possible to prevent accidents. Women use the muscles of the pelvic floor to people from the urine. As they older, they must ensure that this strong to avoid accidentally peeing. The same muscles during sex exercised, and, as in all muscles of the structure of programs, services need consistency.
And if you are too tired to have sex, see our By the Numbers schlummernd advice on how a little extra eyes closed during the day.
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