The concept of libido is noted that the founders of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, in the identification of sexual drive or the sexual instinct. He noted that drive sexual orientation is characterized by a gradual introduction of a piece on the importance of intensity, followed by a sudden drop of tension.
As he studied in the process, his patients, Freud concluded that various activities, such as eating and drinking, as well as water and leave feces part of this common model. Therefore, it considers sexual practices or libidinöse that good.
Freud also has an interest in the development of the libido, he saw, as humans, and the most powerful player. He believed that the development of the libido, the different phases and identifiable.
Develops Freud's theory of the libido
During childhood, he realized sexual drive is focused on the mouth, manifests itself in the first instance to the aspiration. He scored following the hearing this stage in the evolution libidinöse. During the second and third years of a child's life, because the child is in the toilet training, development and make erotic pleasure trips rectal colorful functions. Freud marked the anal stage.
Later, during puberty, the emphasis will move again on the sexual organs, a development period of registration it phallus in the maturation phase of libido.
During the subsequent phase of development, triebhaft readers on the first emphasis on the parents of the opposite sex and insert coloration in the erotic experience of the child, his or her parents. Parental uncontrolled discharge of triebhaft player Freud felt, led to a development of the human psyche, which consists of three components, id, the ego and transmission. He comes to the conclusion that the base number or set instincts and orders (including libido, but also to other readers, such as aggression), which plans to launch in psychic energy.
The me an executive function, which directs the day to day libidinöse execution, and other desires, and so socially acceptable and achievable.
The labels-learned and internalized social norms of behavior, including an awareness of banned or criminal behaviour. During periods of severe schlaflos boundaries between these three stages, but during sleep and imagination, the limits of weakening, which is reflected opening otherwise controlled libidinöse desires. Awareness of these unrestrained desires and fantasies can lead to what the person's sense of guilt or shame of sex.
Freud believed that the individual personality is early in life and how the basic commands and stimulate libido as satisfied. To satisfy libidinöse and other readers leads to the oppression of their consequences for the development of the personality of the person and mental health.
After generations of the psychoanalysts called into question the work of Freud on the libido. Several insisted that Freud was overloaded unterbetonte biological development and the impact of social and cultural factors in the area of sexuality and attitudes and behaviours.
Another theory of the libido
Carl Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and a psychoanalyst, broke with Freud's face libido by the rejection of the idea that sexual experiences in childhood are the most important factors for adults with emotional problems.
Jung has developed a new theory of the libido, the desire to live, instead of sexual desire and motive power. Jung emphasized the distinction between extrovertierten and introverted personality type.
Extroversion embodies those whose attention is heavily (though not exclusively) from the outside to other human beings and the world around them.
Extroverts tend to feel comfortable in social situations, and are, as a general rule, a social life.
Labels recollection of the opposite characteristics, including the staging within attention in the direction of internal processes and thinking. Intro Greens tend to leave themselves beschaulich, thoughtful and relatively uncomfortable in large groups. Jung uses the notion of libido to identify spiritual energy for the creation and maintenance of meditation / extroversion. He did not believe the individuals were severely extroverted or introverted, but rather to blend these qualities at different levels.
Many contemporary psychologists for the human libido, the potential base, although rooted in human biology (such as hormones), is essentially marked by the culture and the exchange of experiences.
In other words, the basic needs of human beings drive to reproduce, as well as the biological potential based on the greatest joy of practice in relation to the physical contact (for example, in the nerve ends of the skin and mucous membranes) , the shape and form of the experience of growing up in a family of the Interior In a society. How are structured in a sexual motivation, and sexual acts on readers are met, as well as the question of whether certain practices are labeled and thus avoid inappropriate in the first place, these social influences.
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