Thursday, January 31, 2008

The sex, it is necessary?

Fans of abstinence was better to sit. "They" Saving before the big game, the big thing, the big hoedown or large bakeoff may have actually some advantages morality. Body mass, but it is not absolutely zip. There is no evidence it sharpens your competitive advantage. The best that modern science can say for sexual abstinence is that it is harmless if they practiced with restraint. Sexual intercourse, regular and enthusiastic, but a host of measurable physiological advantages, be you a man or a woman. (This assumes that you are on the sexual intercourse without obtaining a sexually transmitted disease.)

N one of the most credible studies correlating all with often sexual health, Queens University in Belfast, followed by the mortality of nearly 1000 middle-aged man in the course of a decade. The study was designed to test the people, under comparable circumstances, age and health. The results, published in 1997 in the British Medical Journal, were the men who have declared that the highest frequency of orgasm benefit from a mortality rate than half the laggard. Other studies (some rigorous, some are less) to show that the fact that the sexual intercourse, even a few times a week or club level has a causal connection with the following text:

-- Enhancing the sense of smell: After sex, production of the hormone prolactin spans. This, in turn, leads to the stem cells in the brain to develop new neurons in the brain olfaktorisches eyeball, from the middle of the olfactory sense.

-- Reducing the risk of heart disease: In 2001, after the above Queens University study, the researchers put the emphasis on cardiovascular health. His conclusion: Was the fact that the sexual intercourse three times or more per week, the people to reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke in half. At the booth of these results, the co-author of the study, Shah Ebrahim, Ph.D., showed beloved British gift for euphemism: "The relationship found between the frequency of sexual intercourse and mortality is great interest to the public."

-- Weight reduction, fitness scope: Sex, if nothing else, is exercise. A strong fight burns about 200 calories - about the same as the race 15 minutes on the treadmill or a squash game fiery. The heart rate, a person, is rising by about 70 beats per minute at 150, the same as an athlete before a maximum pressure. The British researchers have found that the equivalent of six Big Mac can be edited, in the coast, the sex three times per week for one year. Contractions of the muscles during the work of the pelvis, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck and chest. Gender also stimulates the production of testosterone, resulting in a strengthening of bones and muscles. Men's Health magazine has been to appoint the bed most of the equipment for the exercise ever invented.

-- Reduction of depression: it was the inclusion of the study in 2002 on 293 women. American psychologist Gordon Gallup pointed out that the participants, their partners sexually active men not used condoms are less prone to depression, that those where the partner. A theory of causality: Prostoglandin, a hormone, which is only in the seeds, can be absorbed in the female genital tract and female hormones modulate.

-- Pain relief: Shortly before the orgasm, the hormone oxytocin to increase to five times their normal level. That gives the endorphins, the pain of everything, arthritis, headaches in migraine. For women, the sex of the production of estrogens calls, what can the pain of premenstrual syndrome.

-- Less frequent colds and flu: Wilkes University in Pennsylvania, about people who said that the sex once or twice a week, 30% have higher antibody called immunoglobulin A, which is known for promoting the immune system.

-- Better control of the bladder: Heard Kegel exercises? You do what you know it or not, every time you get your stem cells flow of urine. The same set of muscles is during sexual intercourse.

-- Improvement of teeth: Plasma seed contains zinc, calcium and other minerals, the result of tooth decay. Since this is a site for the family, we delete the discussion of the system for the provision of minerals. It suffices to say that this could be much richer and more complex and fulfilling that experience by providing a tube of Crest - even Tartar Control Crest. The researchers have found brackets, which usually requires sexual rebuilding the brushing of teeth before and / or after intimacy, which, in itself, could be a better oral hygiene.

-- A happier prostate? Some urologists believe they see a connection between the lack of ejaculation and prostate cancer. The causal argument goes like this: For the production of seminal fluid, the prostate and bladder of seeds, these substances in the blood, zinc, citric acid and potassium, then concentrate up to 600 times. Each carcinogenic substances in the blood could be concentrated. Rather than dragging have concentrated carcinogens problem areas, it is better to sell. Regular old sex could do the job. But if the cleaning of the prostate are your only objective, masturbation might be a better way, especially for the non-monogamous males. With the sex with multiple partners, all alone, the man raised the risk of cancer by almost 40%. That's because he briefly an increased risk of contracting sexual infections. So, if you want all the supposed advantages in the treatment eliminates the risk to digitize. A recently published study by the British Journal of Urology International asserts that men in their 20s can reduce a third their chances in the prostate cancer by ejaculating more than five times a week.

While the possession of a strong appetite for sex - and the ability to meet physics - may not always be the cynosure of perfect health, a certain reluctance, can be a sign that something is seriously on the FRITZ, especially if the culprit is Infirme an erection.

Dr. J. Francois Eid, a urologist with Weill Medical College of Cornell University and Presbyterian Hospital in New York, notes that erectile dysfunction is to expand the vascular system. A lethargic member may say that you are sick of the blood vessels in other parts of your body. "This could be the first signs of high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus or an increase in cholesterol levels. It is a red flag, you should ask your doctor." The processing and perception, says Dr. Eid may have things to consider, even above: "The men who exercise and have a good heart and low heart rate, and heart-Fit, an erection, Fester. It is certainly a relationship. "

But is there such a thing as too much sex?

The answer, in the form of purely physiological, is the following: If you are female, not without doubts. If you are a male? You betcha.

Dre Claire Bailey of the University of Bristol say there is little or no risk of overdose of a woman on the sex. In fact, "she said, and the regular meetings can be not only a woman on a farm abdomen and buttocks, but also improve his posture.

Dr. George Winch Jr., an obstetrician / gynecologist in Elko, Nev.. That Nickt. If a woman before menopause and in good health, "said Dr. Winch, because an extraordinary amount of sex should have no problem." I do not believe that women can be many relations, "he says," as long as it not a sexually transmitted disease, and it was not a pregnancy involuntarily. Sometimes you can have a problem, the lubrication. If you can have it Vaginal excoriation - vaginal scrape. "

The women who are abstaining from sex run some risks. For postmenopausal women, these include vaginal atrophy. Dr. Winch has an average age of the patients, he said: "They had not in three years. Just not interested. Opening their vagina narrows itself obsolete. It is a disease that can lead to dysparenia, or the pain associated with intercourse. him I said, "See you prefer to buy a vibrator or you lose it would work."

For men, urologists Aïd said, it is certainly possible to be a good thing, now that drugs such as Viagra, Levitra and have a lot more stamina than men can even be good for them.

The penis, says Eid, is wonderfully resistant. But everything has its limits. The tissue of the penis, when it is too roistering a pummeling or extended, the damage. In the cases is enough already, that you are not heard, lasting damage.

"Yes," says Dr. Eid, "It is possible for a young man who was very energetic and rough, loves sex, affected his aufrichtbare tissue." The increase in the stiffness of the drugs, and moreover, they make possible for a man to have second and third orgasms without having to wait between acts.

"I look for the football player," said Eid. "They use the Viagra because they are sexually active. What they demand of their body is not reasonable. This is part of the game of soccer: You play in pain therapy." This kind of man does not listen to his body. It takes a snapshot of cortisone, and continues. And they have sexual intercourse in the same way. "

There is a reason the penis, in its natural state, suffers a period of flaccidité: That is, if it takes a little rest. In the blood, it is again with oxygen. "In the course of erection," says Eid, "very little blood flows into the penis. Estoc while, the pressure of up to 200 million water. Zero blood flows into the penis at the time." Oxygen, the tissue loosen up. "If you do not allow the penis in peace, and the muscle tissue does not receive enough oxygen. self, the erection extended to the oxygen to the tissues, and could possibly undergo priapism." (We recommend you to a medical encyclopedia and see it.) "The muscle becomes as swallowing, it is painful. pressure from the inside begins to rise. starting point in the dying cells. The higher the blood pressure and flow less. Possibly muscle dies. And then there are the scars. Therefore, it is an urgent necessity. "

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